Attorneys and Counselors At Law

About Us | Public Finance Law Group

The Public Finance Law Group PLLC is the preeminent public finance law firm in Oklahoma, engaging solely in the practice of municipal bond law since 1935. If you're involved in any aspect of financing activities for entities or projects that can borrow on a tax-exempt basis, we can help.


The Public Finance Law Group PLLC is the preeminent public finance law firm in Oklahoma, engaging solely in the practice of municipal bond law since 1935.  Our practice consists of working with Oklahoma cities, towns, counties, public trusts, universities and state agencies to structure debt issuance and to provide legal counsel with respect to other matters of local government law and public finance.  Our Firm has structured and delivered thousands of financings totaling over $38 billion.  PFLG is comprised of four (4) full-time attorneys with total combined public finance experience in excess of 90 years.

PFLG’s practice is transactional in nature and spans every aspect of public finance. We participate in the issuance of both taxable and tax-exempt note and bond issuances, taxable and tax-exempt leasing transactions, and conduit financings for industrial clients and non-profit organizations. We represent a vast majority of the governmental entities in the State of Oklahoma in connection with the financing of utility system improvements and other public infrastructure transactions. Our Firm is very active in economic development transactions at both the state and local level, and has taken the lead in the creation of many tax increment financing districts across the state, as well as serving in the capacity of bond counsel in connection with the subsequent issuance of tax increment financing obligations. As a firm, we represent not only the largest public bodies in the state but just as importantly, a very high percentage of smaller public bodies. We traditionally play the role of bond counsel, but also serve as underwriter’s counsel and as general counsel to a limited number of public trusts. Our practice is primarily a mix of public finance, securities law, federal and state tax law, municipal law, and secured transactions. 

Our services as bond counsel include consultation with representatives of the various public entities we represent, including finance and accounting staff, consulting engineers, and others, with respect to the timing, terms and legal structure of each proposed financing. We typically prepare loan, security and other authorizing documents. We also attend meetings of the governing bodies of the governmental entities we represent. As bond counsel we often play the role of transaction coordinator for the working group in connection with the closing of financings. PFLG typically renders a final legal opinion as to the validity of each financing we structure and will render the opinions as appropriate with respect to the federal and state tax law treatment of interest on proposed financings.


Contact Us

5657 N. Classen Boulevard, Suite 100
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73118

P: 405.235.3413
F: 405.235.2807


Allan A. Brooks, III
Nathan D. Ellis
Meredith B. Morgan
Jered T. Davidson